· You should know what your competitors don’t.
· You should have access to intellectual property they can’t see.
· You should know how great perfumes are made & know how they are modified into beloved consumer products.
· You should study patterns within formulas they can’t see.
· You should control all ingredients in your new products.
· You should be offered exclusivity, eliminating competitors from certain services.
· You should have an R&D department that studies in-house & competitors formulas, period, regardless of any manufacturing plans, to make future breakthroughs possible.
Most manufacturers are shocked to learn their current Fragrance House will reward them for working with us! Yes, you heard it right! You will be better prepared to speak their language in briefs, standardize on a list of approved ingredients, then standardize all accords, eliminating carbon-based chemicals while improving brand efficiencies. The more you know about the process, and the greater the detailed information you provide, the more transparency you will receive, making their jobs easier and your costs lower.