
Imagine the Excitement of Studying Fragrance Formulas Used In The Most Iconic Brands, innosolinc.com

innosolinc.com, your resource to study real perfume formulas

“Who is innosolinc.com?” We are an ex-fragrance manufacturer that licenses the largest, most complete fragrance & flavour database in the world. Hundreds of firms use it.

Our datasets are an enterprise-transforming, startup-launching, super secure, platform. It’s where the world for the first time can see and study fragrance formulas used in the world’s most iconic brands.

We can even make these iconic aromas better or at least our algorithms can. With Innosol, anything is possible. But how?

(Jessica,) an R&D Chemist, creates inhouse fragrances using only sustainable ingredients.  (Phil) manages millions of scented sku’s and he wants to harmonize the aromas to increase brand awareness. (Yuen) uses our dashboards and AI/ML to create fragrance formulas based on patterns found in best-selling perfumes.

It’s a student learning about ingredients. It’s disruptors revolutionizing fragrance creation. It’s a CEO transforming a global company. It’s a legal and regulatory dream to know all ingredients in the product(s) you put your name on.

It’s a place for anyone from anywhere to build anything. Anything you think the world needs.

We are innosolinc.com

Ready to subscribe? contact us.  If you would prefer to try just a few formulas before subscribing, click below.

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