Innosol Fragrances & Flavors
Join us as a partner. Investment required.
Fragrance & Flavor Manufacturer is seeking a highly motivated professional to join us as a VP/Partner.
We are seeking to work very closely with a highly motivated partner to capture the open window of opportunity that exists right now in the fragrance & flavor industry. Small firms are being purchased at alarming rates and this is your chance to become a VP of the company.
- The F&F industry is an oligopoly of sorts, dominated primarily by 4 companies.
- There has been a rash of mergers & acquisitions among fragrance manufacturers in the past year, up roughly 43%, as key players look to add smaller fragrance houses & new technologies to boost market share. Virtually all the major F&F players have been active in highly targeted acquisitions.
- Independent Perfumery is being challenged in this increasingly consolidated market.
- There is a better than average chance the big 4 F&F houses will seek a merger with our new entity once it’s profitable.
- We currently own commercial property in Texas and Louisiana.
- We are seeking to build a portfolio of 3 manufacturing facilities in the next 12 months.
This is not a paid position. Work into a partner position.
You invest your time and expertise for a percentage of the cash flow and profits. It could take up to 6 months to generate income so you must be self- employed.
Male or female
Work from home or occasionally from my office.
You must:
- Be a front-line warrior to work in tandem with me to build a fragrance powerhouse.
- Be someone that I can count on when the going gets rough
- Be willing to take risks with your time
- Have complete control of and flexibility with your time
- Be currently self-employed
- Be immediately available
- Have a team player attitude
- Have a professional demeanor
- Have an out-going and pleasant personality
- Be detailed oriented
- Be high energy
- Be able to devote a large part of your workday toward our goals
- Live in the Texas or Louisiana area
- Easy going and not easily frustrated
- Be willing to make some sacrifices to build significant income and net worth
Major pluses are:
- Advanced ability to create spreadsheets, proformas
- Experience with sourcing chemicals
- Chemistry background and management experience
- Financial Analysis
Tasks may include:
- Sourcing
- Compounding
- Analyzing/creating proformas
- Negotiating
- Arranging debt
- Raising equity
- The ideal candidate should have experience in some of the following areas:
- Chemicals
- Finance
- Raising money
- Learn and eventually be independent if that is your goal.
Please respond with a letter explaining why you feel you would be a good fit.
Please provide a detailed resume
Thank you for your response,
Business Development
Feel free to send us a direct message, leave a comment, or ask our president a question. We will do our best to answer quickly, so let’s connect soon!
Qualification and NDA: In order to help only those companies that are serious about moving forward, we’ve put the following qualifying requirements in place. We require a signed NDA by an officer of your company, deposit, & corporate e-mail address (not gmail, yahoo, etc.)
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